Kate 多文档文本编辑器
Kate 🔥
开发者 The Kate Team | 下载 | 源码
Kate is a multi-document editor part of KDE since release 2.2. Being a KDE applications, Kate ships with network transparency, as well as integration with the outstanding features of KDE. Choose it for viewing HTML sources from konqueror, editing configuration files, writing new applications or any other text editing task. You still need just one running instance of Kate.
Translate: 自2.2版以来,Kate是KDE的多文档编辑器部分。作为KDE应用程序,Kate具有网络透明性以及与KDE杰出功能的集成。选择它可以查看konqueror中的HTML源,编辑配置文件,编写新应用程序或任何其他文本编辑任务。您仍然仅需要一个正在运行的Kate实例。
Linux & Unices / Windows / macOS
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界面美观、开源, 2.2之后开始集成为IDE模式,是一种不错的选择!
The Kate project develops two main products: KatePart, the advanced editor component which is used in numerous KDE applications requiring a text editing component, and Kate, a MDI text editor application. In addition, we provide KWrite, a simple SDI editor shell which allows the user to select his/her favourite editor component.
Translate: Kate项目开发了两个主要产品:高级编辑器组件KatePart(用于许多需要文本编辑组件的KDE应用程序中)和Kate(MDI文本编辑器应用程序)。此外,我们提供了KWrite,这是一个简单的SDI编辑器外壳,允许用户选择他/她喜欢的编辑器组件。
Kate is a multi-document editor part of KDE since release 2.2. Being a KDE application, Kate ships with network transparency, as well as integration with the outstanding features of KDE. Choose it for viewing HTML sources from konqueror, editing configuration files, writing new applications or any other text editing task. You still need just one running instance of Kate.
With a multi-view editor like Kate you get a lot of advantages. You can view several instances of the same document and all instances are synchronized. Or you can view more files at the same time for easy reference or simultaneous editing.
Translate: 自2.2版以来,Kate是KDE的多文档编辑器部分。作为KDE应用程序,Kate附带了网络透明性以及与KDE杰出功能的集成。选择它可以查看konqueror中的HTML源,编辑配置文件,编写新应用程序或任何其他文本编辑任务。您仍然仅需要一个正在运行的Kate实例。
KWrite is a simple text editor application, allowing you to edit one file at the time per window. As Kate, KWrite uses the editor component KatePart.KWrite simply provides the selected editor component with a window frame, and lets you open and save documents. KWrite shares all features the KatePart provides, look here to get an overview.
Translate: KWrite是一个简单的文本编辑器应用程序,可让您在每个窗口一次编辑一个文件。与Kate一样,KWrite使用编辑器组件KatePart.KWrite只是为选定的编辑器组件提供一个窗口框架,并允许您打开和保存文档。 KWrite共享KatePart提供的所有功能,请单击此处以获取概述。
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